Title: Assessment of the impact of drivers of change on Europe's food and nutrition security
Funding: EU FP7 project, grant agreement no. 613532.
Total funding: EUR 4 952 680,40
Funding for BSC: EUR 99 476,00
Implementation period: 01.02.2014.-31.01.2018.
Coordinator: Kaatholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Latvian partner: Baltic Studies Centre
TRANSMANGO aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of the effects of the global drivers of change (climate, economic concentration and market structure, financial power, resource competition, marginalization, property rules, geo-political shifts, consumer preferences, consumption patterns and nutritional transition) on European and global food demand and on raw material production (and, consequently, on food flows).The research focuses on the vulnerability and resilience of European food systems in a context of socio-economic, behavioral, technological, institutional and agro-ecological change and aims to enhance understanding of the new challenges and opportunities that the food sector will face in the future. Vulnerability assessment methodologies and dynamic modeling tools will be reviewed, upgraded and developed to assess the resilience of Europe's agro-food sector and food security situation and to understand the sustainability frontiers of different food production systems under the new unfolding conditions. The project will collect analytical data that will be used to design scenarios for the desired transition pathways in the food system. Based on these scenarios, TRANSMANGO will provide guidance to support the transition towards sustainability and will offer recommendations to address Europe’s medium- and long-term food security.
Food and nutritional security debate in Latvia
Researchers from BSC has been participating in project’s Work package 2, which aims to analyse how food and nutrition vulnerability is understood and discussed among the range of stakeholders and disciplines. After an extesive media analysis BSC published national report "National Report: Latvia. Food and nutritional security debate". This report in particular analyses how vulnerability is represented in Latvia’s media, science, policy and food industry texts. The report identifies and analyses food system vulnerabilities, their main drivers and how these are related to FNS in Latvia. The meanings and controversies of food system vulnerabilities and framings of debate are explored. The analysis reflects the debate in public, scientific, market and policy spheres across a range of food system vulnerability dimensions (economic, political, socio-cultural, ecological) and FNS outcomes (stability and control, availability, access, utilisation).
The report can be downloaded here: pdf (1751 kb)
Local level analysis of FNS pathways
BSC ir currently studying FNS pathways on a local level. The focus of the study is on school meals.
For more information visit http://www.transmango.eu/.